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Adv Norway edited set._-24.JPG
Adv Norway edited set._-27.JPG

Welcome to your ultimate destination for Adventure in Norway. Whether you're into rafting, elk safari, or other thrilling activities, we've got you covered. At our family-friendly camp you will create memories that last a lifetime. Explore the breathtaking landscape of Hesså and embark on an unforgettable journey with us.

Located less than 1 hour from Mandal & Kristiansand

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«Mitt absolutte favorittsted. Jeg ble så hjertelig velkommen da jeg kom til Norge at jeg ble lenger enn jeg opprinnelig hadde planlagt. På slutten av turen går jeg tilbake til dette stedet. Absolutt gode vibber og hjertelig anbefaling fra meg.


Mein absoluter Lieblingsort. Ich wurde so herzlich aufgenommen als ich in Norwegen ankam, sodass ich länger blieb als ich ursprünglich geplant hatte. Am Ende meiner Reise kehre ich zurück an diesen Ort. Absolute Good Vibes und Herzensempfehlung von mir.»

- Ulrikke

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